today our dog Bonnie died. Clyde died in May. They were our cute bestie Jack Russell Terrier brother and sister. She was 16, which is a real long good life for a pup. I knew this would have to happen someday, but everyone's really sad.
When i first realized that the dogs would have to die someday (as in realistically, a day that was approaching) was August of 2010. That's when i started getting nervous about phone calls or emails from my mom. But it was almost a year after that clydey passed and almost another year now for bonnie.
i wrote a poem/song about it.
once the dogs die, who will my mom feed
once the dogs die, who will she come home
who will walk on the lawn and sleep on the porch
when they are gone.
all dogs go to heaven.
and i still miss grandma all the time.
so this is the end of an era. and therefore, the beginning of a new one.